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Minimising Moving Costs

Viewed 1449 times2013-06-17 21:10 | especially, decided, usually, wanting, moving

Minimising Moving Costs

No one wants to turn down the opportunity to save money, especially when you’ve just bought a new house. There is no shame in wanting to cut back on the (usually very high) costs of moving to a new place, especially if you are moving quite a way. You’ve probably been tired and stressed out from the minute you decided to move; finding the right estate agent, touring home after model home, coming to an agreement with your partner/house-mates, signing papers and convincing your parents that everything will be fine. The added financial stress that moving can cause is very counter-productive to the excitement and happiness that most people feel upon arriving at a new home. Whether you’re feeling the pressures of the recession or putting aside a bit of cash for your graduation or expecting an addition to the family, there are a few great ways to save money when moving to your new home. minimizing moving costs_1


1. Start early! From the minute you sign the papers and choose your moving date you can begin to cut back on those expenses. Begin sourcing cheap moving companies, asking friends and family if they will be available to help you out on the day and finding un-costly storage strategies ahead of time.


2. It’s 2013 and recycling is most definitely in! There’s never any need to shell out for storage boxes; plenty of supermarkets will give you their old banana boxes for free if you ask nicely. Again, don’t forget that ever-reliable resources: your family and friends. Everyone’s bought a new TV or printer at some point and those boxes can come of great uses - it’s an added bonus if the Styrofoam or bubble wrap is still inside for those breakables. minimizing moving costs_2


3. Don’t buy bubble wrap! There’s no need to purchase bubble wrap unless you’re a corporate company - unless of course your inner-child can’t live without the post-moving bubble-popping party. Try wrapping your vases and china in a layer of newspaper and then inside your clothes and blankets.


4. De-clutter! Before you move, get rid of as much things as you. The less things you have to take with you, the less the move will cost, right? Gather old clothes, books, appliances and miscellaneous items and take them to the charity shop or the tip. It’s great to start your new life afresh and free from some of the old clutter you’ve had crowding your attic for years. minimizing moving costs_1


5. Pack yourself. If you’re hiring a moving company, have everything ready to load into the van to minimize costs if you’re paying by the hour.

To summarise, always use what you already have. Within your own possessions usually exists a world of useful resources; you just have to look for them. Ask people you know for their help and seek out freebies at shops and stores nearby.



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