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Personal Info

admin (UID: 1)

  • Space visits1604
  • Email statusnot verified
  • Video certificationnot video certified
  • New DoingsTomorrow , I will pack in green lake garden , move from beijing to shanghai ...
  • Statistics Friends: 0 | Doings: 2 | Blogs: 63 | Albums: 4 | Shares: 0

    Active profile

    • Online Time180 Hours
    • Registration date2013-04-11 15:55
    • Last visit time2024-07-11 12:49
    • Last activity time2024-07-11 12:49
    • Last post time2023-11-07 19:26
    • Time offsetThe system default


    • Used Space5.05 MB
    • Points1606
    • Reputation0
    • Points1359
    • Contribution0


    2024-07-27 21:35 GMT+8 , Processed in 0.050229 second(s), 12 queries .

    Move and Storage in Beijing Wechat:beijingmover Mobile: 13717772317 @ 2023