How to pack kitchen no breakable item
The following items will be needed to secure your kitchen for moving:[*]Blank newsprint paper, bubble wrap, Styrofoam peanuts.
[*]Medium boxes (3.0 cubic feet), large boxes (4.5 cubic feet).
[*]Pack a few pieces of essential cookware, utensils for the first day in your new home -- it will help get you settled in before you start unpacking.
[*]Put blank newsprint paper between items. Fill in spaces with wadded blank newsprint paper.
[*]Tape shut the box and mark "Fragile – Kitchen First Day".
[*]Pack all other items in the appropriate box. Don't forget to pad the boxes and fill in spaces with wadded blank newsprint paper.
[*]Tape shut the box and mark "Fragile – Kitchen".
See this article for packing breakable kitchen items.