Acceptance Letters from Beijing Movers
Dear customers,If our moving quotaton is "OK", then please copy below contents and past to our mailbox . Please complete and return below form by mail to our office at your earliest convenience so that we can arrange your move if you decide to choose BeijingMovers as your moving company..
I wish to accept your quotation ,
The Cost : ____ Dated: ______ Name: _____ Mail :_____
Collection Address:___ Telephone: _____ WeChat ID : ______
Contact Name, Address and Telephone at Destination (if available)
Name: _____ Telephone: ___ Address:_________
Insurance Required: YES / NO (Please circle) Value to be insured: ______ (Please indicated currency)
Storage Requirement:____ (Please state number of months, if any). Personal Arrival Date at Destination: __
Delivery Date (Approx.) : ___
Bill to be settled by : Cash : Yes ( ) Others ( )
(If your company will pay for this move, you can pay us firstly and we can offer Fapiao )
Customer Signature: ____ Date:____
Tel: 13717772317Mail:
Wechat : beijingmover